Saturday, 24 January 2009

Not long to go now

Well, it is only a few more weeks and I will become one of the many people who have been made redundant. When I agreed to take my terms from the company I have worked for since 1982. It seemed like a good idea at the time and in some respects it still is for the following reasons:-
  • If I had of moved to Switzerland, I would have started a new contract and given up the possibility of the redundancy pay.
  • I have managed to get something like £8000 worth of training out of the company over the past 6 to 8 months, even though I have needed to pay for a further £4000 or so of course fees and travel and lodging costs.
  • My newly acquired skills should make my new career a lot more interesting and hopefully rewarding than the previous one.
  • I have been forced to get out of the nice comfy place I was in and actually think about my future, the fact that I don't quite know what that looks like right now is just a small problem.
  • The possibility of leaving the UK and going to live with my Girlfriend is now a much more rational possibility, I was having a hard time justifying leaving the rather amazing ICI final salary pension fund voluntarily, but now that has already happened and I have had an additional 2 years of contributions made to the fund as part of my package.....
  • I am also going to get a payoff sufficient to keep me in something close to my accustomed life style for quite some time whilst I search for a job.
  • There are some quite good jobs out there for someone with my soon to be acquired skill set, and the pay isn't bad either
But as we have all heard the shit has really hit the fan in the financial and job markets (there will shortly be over 2,000,000 of us out there searching for a job) so it may take a while...

I have had my bit of a whinge now, so that is that for this the first of my "blogs", I have had my wallow in self pity the next one will be much more upbeat, unless I want to moan about something that annoys me!!!

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